Brand Licensing – Incremental or transformational growth?
A holy grail of consumer goods companies is brand licensing revenue. Kraft-Heinz recently announced it was entering the fray. Success isn’t always easy as it may seem.
The Coca-Cola Bottler Strategy and Eat Just Inc.
Just Egg Inc. announced that it is adopting the Coca-Cola bottler strategy in China. That begs the question, what is the Coca-Cola bottler strategy?
G.E. exits consumer light bulbs and the definition of a conglomerate
G.E. was the definition of a conglomerate–and now it’s not. Learn what the corporate structure is, its’ strengths and weaknesses through a G.E. case study.
Will Coronavirus Destroy Small CPG Companies?
Large CPG firms have weathered the coronavirus storm fairly well, but what will happen to small CPG companies?
Unilever, an Agile Supply Chain, and the decline of Scenario Planning
Unilever CEO Alan Jope outlined a vision for an agile supply chain–one that replaces centralized scenario planning with on-the-ground insights. Here’s what that means.
Marc Andreessen misses the point with It’s time to build
Marc Andreesen’s “It’s time to build” is a prime example of the failed ethos of tech primacy.
Conornavirus and a fragile food system
The uncomfortable reality is that from an operational standpoint, the last forty years created a meat production system almost uniquely positioned to spread the coronavirus and exaggerate its impact.
Information lag. Coronavirus and the CPG supply chain
COVID-19 revealed the great outsourcing of America’s supply chains.
What is a CPG company? It’s more than just a brand.
What exactly is a consumer packaged goods (CPG) company? I answer that question and outline their two main business strategies.
Kraft Heinz Is Dying a Death by a Thousand Cost Cuts
How the private equity model drove one of the world’s largest food and beverage companies into a corner.